Thursday, 17 January 2013

Day 17 Supper time, Drambuie and Skittles, good times

Wow it was colder than ever and still no snow, but it has got to be coming tomorrow, the weather wizard at the BBC says it is and who am I to question that.

When I got the car out of the garage it said -4 . I don't often wimp out, oh OK I wimp out all the time, but -4 and misty was just too much for me to go solo road running so down to the gym I went. I hate gym running, just because it's boring and every one can hear my pounding feet especially when I have a few bursts running at 13.5 kmph. I also don't like other people sweating next to me as the treadmills are lined up like peas in a pod. I had my "audiofuel" best mate Chrissie nagging me to go faster, stronger, longer - actually makes a champion Ironwoman sound  like an advert for viagra! Not only did I run but another friend Jackie came in so we power hill walked on a gradient of 15, then as a team went on the bikes for 20 minutes racing and then had a power plate session. That in itself was enough for any one but no the hot water was being serviced and not on till 10.30 so I went for a swim. Wow I did a reverse mini Traithlon, run, bike and swim in homage to Chrissie Wellington and had to have a steam and sauna to be sure it was back on and heated up. I did toy with going home for a shower but I was having a coffee and chat with Kim and I had 4 running days gossip to catch up on and chat we did, it was like a fight as to who could chat most and about the most random subject, jeez I've so missed you babes but how did we go from car tyres to Ashkenazi Jews in the gym of sin!

Other news is pretty naff, the Skittles dispenser is full of sours, nomm nom yum yummy. Been to work, had the online shopping delivered and put away while I was at work and dinner ready when I came in at 7.15, didn't cycle and got a lift, it was better than Christmas for a working Mum! Now having a Drambuie and planning on 9am yoga, if it's not snowy.
How did that happen??????

Totals for today

Run loads
Bike some
Swam a bit
Power Plates little bit less
Chat and coffee, good times,  Missing Jemma bad times

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