Thursday, 31 January 2013

Day 31, leaps like a salmon, with arms, and punches the air!

Last day, so am sad, happy and shocked when I look at my totals. Thanks Cathy, have had a great time and sorry I can’t come to the meal on Saturday but work calls. As I have worked my botty off every day, blogged and logged on Running Free and I am eligible for the trainer voucher. I only have 2 pairs, one with holes in and one out of date, well worn out, 2012 Brookes specials, let it be me!

Today it’s a planned power walking, biking and power plates sort of day. Had a few routes planned, one going over to Kent but Kim and I went local and for a 10km big one. How did I know something was going to happen today? Maybe I am a witch, although people tend to say bitch. 
First view, Four weddings and a funeral Chrurch, the funeral

Thames is out
Before I left I had a feeling and asked Mike to track us just in case we needed picking up. Poor Kim gets a call from the school to pick up her son who is sick, but we were at our furthest point and luckily Granddad is able to pick him up and we sped up a gear to get back as fast as we can.
I didn't do this but am happy as they look like yesterday Trollies

It really is a nice walk!

St Clements, West Thurrock

Local employer

As it’s my late night work day and pouring down and windy I’m not going to cycle to work so went gym biking. To make a change I go for a low speed so my legs are speeding round for 25 minutes. I had a power plate session, legs, arms, planking and dips and that is it, the month is technically over.  
I have that end of the month feeling and have just looked on the leader board, why? It’s a bit of fun, well it was until I saw that I was 5th on the number of hours. 86 hours, that’s like a part time job I spent doing  my own stuff, no wonder the housework is so in need. Yay I am top of something and that is cross, which is mainly in the gym and am on 45 hours, wow, most spent on weights and power plates. I changed the settings to distance run and I’m not even on the first page and maybe 36th ish with 120km. I looked back at Junathon and I had done 107 km for the month and was 16th, I am happy as I have done more. In June I was top of the bike with 194 km and now I have beaten my mileage 208km but am 4th, I blame the snow for that and not being able to commute to work but actually the 1st and 2nd have double and quadruple my mileage so good on them. Even walking, and I spend a lot of time out and about with the dog, I have beaten my mileage as I am on 84km, but again I was 2nd and now I am 4th. The moral of this story is that more people are -athoning but that’s sent me down the table.
Thanks all for reading I’ve had a great, if not tiring, time and enjoyed blogging, must catch up with all the people I owe emails.

Weight loss, none!
loads of fun, snow, slipped disk buddy. 
Run 120 KM
Bike 208 KM
Gym  45 hours
Swim 7 KM

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