I have kept up with my activities, no running but half an hour in the gym on the bikes doing a tricky little programme including massive hills and a few dips. This was followed by hour and a half in yoga and a doggy walk with Mr. T and Pongo, but diet still pending.
I have only been going to yoga for about 6 weeks but can already feel I am more stretchy a technical term. "It gives me an enormous sense of well-being" (Parklife) and although I am like a tennis ball rolling around the back of the class partly as I have no balance and also I struggle to follow instructions. I already know about the balance from the amount of timesI fall off my bike, trip up nothing or roll off the swissball and didn't need yoga to prove to me that I am not balanced. When I got back home the lovely Jemma (middle daughter) and Liam were packed and ready for their journey back home to Devon after having a lovely holidays break with us. This was after some eggy bread a few tears and hugs from siblings. The day went downhill as we went to the local police station, waited 45 minutes hearing the re-enactment of a fight between neigbours several times, each time more scary and dramatic than the last, it was like a live Jeremy Kyle. We got our turn at the hatch only to be told we need the IMEI number from his lost phone and that he had to report it to a Metropolitan Police station as it was lost in London. Following that let down we took Amber to drive our car at the cardrome, a small private road set up with hill starts and corners and parking for learners to practise on.
This was her first try after only 4.5 hours of lessons and she did really well and we all came away happy. After chinese and Nandos yesterday the kitchen felt sad and lonely but I stuck with the chicken theme and made fajitas. I tried hard but I'd been nibbling all day, yoghurt raisins, haribos, can't even remember what else and now I have had a massive hot chocolate topped with cream and a huge chunk of christmas cake which isn't getting smaller. In my defence I did walk the dog but a rubbish 2 km doesn't equal the amount of cake I ate!
Go away naughty cake |
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